Yes Day with Lil O

Yes Day!

As some of you saw on Facebook, Lil O and I enjoyed a Yes Day yesterday.  It was her Yes Day, so I had to be agreeable to everything she said and wanted to do.  Thankfully the day was completely enjoyable for both of us with only one meltdown (details below).  The idea of a Yes Day came from this very sweet book, Yes Day!

Lil O's Yes Day all started with a 7am wake up and watching two episodes of Cake Boss on her iPad.  She is in love with Cake Boss lately and some show about picking out wedding dresses.  Is this foreshadowing?  Help me.

After polishing off a giant plate of ham and eggs - her favorite - we walked into town.  Did I mention we are still in Colorado?  Oh, the joys of summer!

Graciously, Lil O worked in the dog park for her puppy brother, Jedi.  Here Jedi is with three new dog friends at the dog park.  The dogs in Colorado are so great together.  They just play and run and mouth wrestle and play and run and mouth wrestle.  Jedi is usually tired after 30-60 minutes of this frolicking.

The huge highlight of Lil O's Yes Day was painting pottery.  Sure, we can do this at home in Maryland, but we save it for our visits to Colorado as we like the local pottery painting studio in town.  I painted a plate (as our condo needs more fun serving platter options) and Lil O painted an owl bank.  Isn't it great that puppy Jedi can come into the pottery place, too?  I swear he slept the entire time by our feet.  Sweet puppy....

After a busy morning in town at the dog park and painting pottery, we came back to our condo to have lunch and watch more Cake Boss episodes.  In this photo, Lil O is on her second Simply Fruit roll-up of the day.  Got to love a Yes Day.....

After lunch, we played games in the condo and then went back into town to go shopping.  I told Lil O she could pick out one item to buy for her Yes Day.  That is when the meltdown occurred.  She was sooooooo overwhelmed with her choices that she cried in town.  "There is just so much that I want."  Poor girl.  I tried to help her narrow the choices.

Lil O finally settled, after 10 minutes of tears, on this bow and arrow set.  I was pretty psyched as it reminds me of Kat from the Hunger Games.  Lil O said it reminds her of Merida from Brave.  We both left our favorite toy store, Peak-a-boo Toys, happy.  Her Yes Day was back on track.

I know this next pic looks a little disgusting.  It is Lil O's favorite meal in Breckenridge (or any town for that matter) - Udon noodles with Chicken.  I should add a side note that I was asked to pick out ALL the vegetables that came in the soup.  Lil O only wanted one measly water chestnut to try.  She went to town on this dish and didn't leave a single piece of chicken or noodle.

This was my fortune from the meal. I hope it applies to Lil O, too.  You know I adore her.

As the Yes Day wound down, we shared milkshakes and watched an old Jennifer Lopez movie, Maid in Manhattan.  Since Mr. UpCyclist is away, we are embracing a different chick flick each night until the Olympics begin.  If you have any kid-friendly recommendations that are on Netflix, please let me know.  The pickings look slim, in my opinion.

Our last activity of the night at 9pm was playing a few rounds of Lil O's favorite new game (Thanks, Mom and Sebastian!).  I must say, I really like this game, Sleeping Queens, too.  And it was invented by a little girl and her family.  Neat, huh?

And just in case, you want to see what the day after a Yes Day looks like, her is our little beauty.  Continued sweet dreams, munchkin......

PS - Wake up soon, though. We are going hiking with Robin and Jedi today.

My Yes Day is next week!  Yippee!
