Life Updated - Fall Afternoon

What a fabulous weekend.  The kind where everything is just so fun.  So enjoyable.  So relaxing.  So lovely.  It helped to have my mom in town from Memphis.  It helped to have so much good cousin time for Lil O.  It helped to have a night out with Mr. UpCyclist.  It helped to have lots of puppy playtime for Jedi.  

The following is a photo montage of our afternoon today.  Mr. U, Lil O, Puppy Jedi and I went to this darling historic district near our house.  Don't you just love the word darling?

Lil O in her new outfit from Grammie (my mom).....

These pillows were pretty and perfect.  Think I could make them?

I heart arrows.  This will soon be on my pinboard.

Such a clever way to repurpose an old book.  Mr. U said he would break out a saw for me.

Me. This dress. Want.  It was $54.  Should I have bought it?  Susan thinks so.

This toy store is delightful.  Just like the one in Breckenridge featured on Lil O's Yes Day.  Jedi is also welcomed there which made him very happy and sniffy - as there are lots of little nooks to smell.

I could climb into this delicious bed. Does anyone else love this color combo lately?

More arrows....(and a touch blurry, forgive me).....

I read the Elise enJoy It blog like its my religion Monday - Friday.  I dig her simple style, love of life and her tenacity to get things done.  Have you seen her new line of stamps?  They remind me of these below.  Elise, if you are reading, have you seen these stamps before?  

Lil O could choose one item to bring home from our afternoon besides all the fun memories and the chocolate laced with Old Bay that Mr. UpCyclist found.  She chose these wings from the darling toy store photographed above.  Aren't they great?  She said they have so many uses - bird wings, butterfly wings, fairy wings, beautiful bat wings.  I love this winged kid.

And I loved this weekend.  You?


UPDATE:  If you like any of the products photographed for this post, just email me at jen at and I'd be happy to share with you the product and store name.