Plus, minus, equal

The Laras Thanksgiving Day

Are you like me?  When I read non-fiction library books, I take notes.  I then type up my notes (which is normally not more than two typed pages max) and refer back to them from time-to-time.

I was just re-reading my book notes from Ryan Holiday's, The Ego is the Enemy over Thanksgiving weekend.  I love the plus, minus, equal concept he shares.

Ryan* suggests to have a plus in your life - someone who is better than you are so you can learn from them.  A minus - someone who is currently lesser than you are (in skills, experience, etc.) whom you can teach.  And someone equal, so that you can challenge yourself against (or challenge yourself with) that person.

What hit me was my equal person.  Jackie, my friend, colleague and business partner in Hello, Strategies is soooo my equal person.  She challenges me in the best ways possible in my teaching, in our business, and just being a thoughtful human being.  I have some ideas who are my plus people and my minus people, too.

Who are your plus, minus and equal people?

Speaking of people, today is the last day to buy any of your people our Hello, Strategies products - our ebook, Question cards, wooden nickels, etc. - at a 25% off discount.  Just use the code:  CYBERSALE2016 at checkout.

hello strategies cybersale2016 discount code

Off I go to read more of my book notes; I'm excited about taking notes on this book next....


*I believe, by the way, the original idea for plus, minus and equal came from Frank Shamrock (a martial arts pioneer) who Ryan writes about in the book.