The Flipped Classroom

There is much discussion lately about the flipped classroom.  Since I adore the combination of technology and learning, and since I teach several college classes as hybrid models (half-online and half in-person), I give the flipped classroom a thumbs up for tech-savvy educators and plugged-in students.  However, I do believe you need both to make the flip work properly.

This infographic explains the flipped classroom well.  If you caught this week's Tech Tuesday with the Khan Academy, you have ready-made, awesome instruction right there.  You'd be flipped-ready with Khan in your back pocket.

Flipped Classroom
(Infographic Created by Knewton and Column Five Media)

Upcyclists, what do you think of the flipped classroom?  Could students complete mini-lessons at home and then come to class prepared to put their new learning into practice?

Your comments are welcome below.  But, you knew that.

