Every since cleaning out our home studio (Mr. UpCyclist calls it an "office; I personally think "studio" sounds more creative), I have been pleasantly surprising myself with organizational tools and ideas. This 2-minute project is life changing as I am always looking for a piece of scrap paper and can never find one conveniently.
To make this heavenly tool, I took an empty Planter's nut container and wash and dried it, of course. Then, I covered it with whatever fun paper I had around using double-sided scotch tape. Paper with bicycles on it makes sense in my house. Then, I used my bin of recycled paper and my paper cutter to cut the right-sized pieces of scrap paper.
Voila - now, I am happy and organized in our studio. S-T-U-D-I-O. In case Mr. UpCyclist is reading.