Skillshare for Tech Tuesday

I'm a teacher.  Always have been.  From teaching snowboarding for the Aspen Ski Company to teaching inner-city kids how to research topics and make PowerPoint presentations to my now fabulous college students, teaching is what I do.  It is who I am.

When I stumbled upon Skillshare this past fall, I thought, ingenious.  A teaching and learning hub where anyone can teach just about anything in person to a small community of learners - online learning is not embraced by Skillshare.  Classes range from learning to knit to computer programming and everything in between.

The teacher - possibly you - creates the class listing, description, and price through Skillshare and determines when, how long, and where the class will meet.  From what I can tell, most classes rent/borrow space in coffee shops, community centers, athletic clubs, etc.  The teacher is responsible for securing the class space, though Skillshare shares many tips on how to do this.  The teacher is mainly the person who promotes the class through whichever social networking avenues they desire while Skillshare includes the class on the Skillshare website.

When a student enrolls for the class, Skillshare earns 15% of the fees and the teacher keeps all the rest.  I believe Paypal is used for all transactions.

See what you think of Skillshare.  I bet there is a class you could teach OR one you could take.  As you can see from the above doodle, there are many a few Skillshare classes I could offer and teach besides my regular Educational Psychology, Special Education, and college teachy stuff.
