Being a Judge is Hard Work

And I thought grading papers is challenging sometimes.  Being a judge for Crafterhours Skirt Week is no easy feat.  I mean, look at all this eye candy of gloriousness?  I can see myself wearing some of these skirts to school and some of these to play.  Which one is your favorite out of the A-line finalists pictured below?

(from Crafterhours)

Did I mention this is just one category of skirts?  There are three other categories and over 300+ entries for Skirt Week. For the next few days, you get to vote for your favorites.  Plus, you can see me and my fellow judges here.  Don't I look smiley?  Mr. UpCyclist thinks I over-smile for photos.  I disagree.

Thanks, Crafterhours, for inviting me to judge.  Now, back to grading papers and skirts.  Oh, wait, it is summer!  Now back to play time!



PS - For those of you right now who are thinking "Wow, the life of a teacher - summer off."  This is the season to refuel and prep for next school year.  After all, I have new teacher tricks up my sleeve for fall. I also like to take part of the summer to catch up on all the good teacher-related literature I haven't had time to read.  First book in my queue is Imagine by Jonah Lehrer.  If it is worthwhile, I'm sure it will be bloggable.  Huh, funny word, bloggable.