My Favorite Internet Browser {for Tech Tuesday}

Let's start with what I am tired of....Internet Explorer.  When Picnik was alive, it didn't interface well with Internet Explorer, in my opinion.  I had the hardest time saving my photos to my computer.  Now, that I have resorted to PicMonkey, Internet Explorer definitely doesn't work well with that site either.  AND, Blogger and Internet Explorer do not play nicely together.  Thus, bye bye to Internet Explorer.

What's my favorite Internet browser then?  Chrome!  Yep, my college students turned me onto Chrome and now, I am a Chrome lov-er.  I like how fast it searches.  I like that in the URL window, I can either type in a web address OR I can type in a search word and Chrome naturally knows I'm searching for that word/site/topic/etc.  I like that Chrome has built-in security measures to protect me and my new laptop (thanks, Lil O and Mr. UpCyclist).  I adore how easy it is in Chrome to add favorites and organize them.  I also like that with Chrome you can add lots of other add-ons (they are almost like mini-apps), though I haven't explored that area as much I will in the future.

My two close seconds to Chrome are Mozilla's Firefox and Apple's Safari.  Though, Chrome wins it for me, hands-down.  Plus, for those of you who like hard data, see what Life Hacker prefers.  Great minds think alike.

Though, I must admit, I had never heard of Opera before writing this blog post.  It looks....ok.....

Raising my glass to Chrome!
