Life Updated: Almost Summer Edition

Right after my college's graduation last week, I could almost taste summer.  Speaking of taste, how about those homemade pop tarts from Ted's Bulletin in DC pictured above?  Aren't they fun looking and boy, were they tasty!  Mr. UpCyclist even bought me one that was peanut butter on the inside and bacon crumbles on the outside.  Yum and strange all at the same time.  Now, I have an intense desire to make my own.

Flowers.  Period.  Give. me. more.  This was the best $40 I've spent in a long time.  All of our planters are full and I even have a shepard's hook this year to hold more flowers.  More.  more.  more.  please.

I am obsessed with the recipes on the A Beautiful Mess blog.  I decided to make a kid-friendly version of their cocktail recipe for our "Cocktails and Cupcakes" night with some friends.  Lil O gave it a thumbs up.

Mr. UpCyclist just got back from Finland.  Yes, this would be his second trip there in under a month.  Puppy Jedi is becoming a pro at visiting the airport.  You remember his first trip to the airport here.  This time, an airport employee warned me that dogs weren't allowed unless they were crated.  Two minutes later, there were three police officers coming towards me.  Rats.  Busted, was all I could think.  Instead, however, the officers asked me if they could pet Jedi. Whew.

On a side note, Dr. G had her baby.  Yep, a tiny upcyclist is born!  Congratulations to Dr. G and her family.  #luckyluckykid

Off I go,
