LIfe Updated: Spring is in the air

Hello, Spring.  Good to see you.....

(In order from top left to right)
  1. Our family is in its third round of ice skating lessons.  Boy, have we all improved.  I still make everyone wear their ski helmets on the ice.  You know how I feel about helmet use.
  2. Lil O is a voracious reader these days.  Here favs are the Dear Dumb Diary series and the Thea Stilton mysteries.  Our library stocks the shelves with them, yay!  More love for our public library.
  3. Did I mention I celebrated my birthday?  More on that another day.  In the meantime, look at the fun present from Dr G.  
  4. You probably already saw my welcome home committee at the airport.  Jedi and Mr. UpCyclist are my two male loves :)
  5. In between convention proceedings, I managed to wrangle some time with west coast friends, Sheri and Dr. I (pictured here).  Don't we look soooo happy?  I swear we didn't stop talking and catching up all day long.  It was glorious.  
  6. I will soon be driving to a nursery to stock up on succulents.  They make me think of my week in California, which in turn makes me happy.
  7. Flying on planes has never been my favorite activity in the world because I get so sleepy, but this last haul to the west coast was brutal.  I need Jedi to become a therapy dog and join me onboard.  Petting him would have made the flight more enjoyable.
  8. Ode to chalkboard art in San Francisco!  Although, I think this was faux chalk.  Nonetheless, me likes.
  9. On a run in San Francisco, I found this gem - the Japanese $1.50 store.  Let's just say, I helped the SF economy that afternoon.
How is your spring unfolding?  
