What You May Not Know About Mr. UpCyclist

Mr. UpCyclist loading the mountain bikes for our adventure.

You probably already know Mr. UpCyclist is an avid cyclist (hence, the capital "C" in his blog name). What you may not know if you don't know Mr. U in person is he is one amazing man.  I mean, a-ma-zing.  I totally lucked out when he came into my life.  He is patient, intelligent, creative, sporty, and like me, he is an ambivert.

Mr. U is also one incredible dad - loving and available.  He is such a good mentor -  mentoring Lil O and Cousin A on our recent mountain bike expedition.

Mr. U has a heart of gold.  He is prepared for anything and everything.  Case in point:  Lil O was using a death-grip on her handlebars riding the downhills.  She had not one, but three blisters on her thumbs.  Crazy kid.  Mr. U had the first aid kit ready.

See the back pack he wears while riding?  It is filled with all sorts of goodies for everyone including Jedi.  By the way, you won't catch me wearing a backpack while mountain biking.  I'm lucky enough to transport myself much less all that extra weight. 

If you don't know Mr. UpCyclist in person, trust me, when I say he is one of the kindest souls in the world.  He is also is one rad cyclist.

Totally in love with him.


PS - All photos processed with the A Beautiful Mess App (featured on Tech Tuesday this week)!

PSS - Not to be obnoxious, but did you notice the team jerseys?  Aren't they fun?  We have the BEST sponsors.  Just sayin....