Arts, Crafts, and STEM, Hurrah!

watercolor crafts; STEM

I just finished a three-day {life} coaching training.  While I get my thoughts in order, here's something to sink your teeth into....

I think a dream just came true.  Real life evidence that all this crafting, broadway show going, and Lil O's dance lessons correlate positively to the fields of STEM - science, technology, engineering and math.

Mr. UpCyclist likes to tease Lil O and I about our crafting adventures.  And since he is an engineer, wait until he sees these amazing findings from the lovely Michigan State University.  Evidence that the more we craft, dance, and embrace the arts, the more likely we will launch a business or generate US patents.

Notice the "we."  This study's conclusions are for children, but I am not missing this ride.

Here's to more, and more, and MORE crafting!

Pinch me,
