My favorite podcasts

Sometimes I pray for long drives or traffic.  Why?  Podcasts.  A modern invention worth celebrating.

Are you hooked on podcasts, too?

Jen's favorite podcasts

Today, I'm sharing my four favorite podcasts with you.  Ready?  

The Lively Show (with Jess Lively):  This podcast is published twice weekly with one main episode and one short in-between-isode.  If you are like me and like podcasts that are coachy, self-reflective and lean towards personal development, The Lively Show is for you.

Elise Gets Crafty (with Elise Cripe):  Elise brings a fresh take to entrepreneurial and small business topics.  I just bought her Get to Work Book (love that name, by the way) and I'm ready to crank on some upcoming projects with it by my side.

Start Up (with an array of hosts):  Again, more small business focused, which apparently resonants with my educator-soul.  I love hearing about how small businesses start, maintain, stay and/or die.  I'd start with season one if you are new to this podcast series.

The Tim Ferriss Show:  Tim does a super job deconstructing world class performers, as he likes to say in his podcast intro.  I wax and wane about listening to this podcast weekly only because each episode can be up to two hours long.  I prefer finishing a podcast on my 30 minute drive to work, so Tim's podcasts usually take four drives to complete and sometimes that bothers me (which is why I wax and wane with subscribing to them; I feel like I want to hear his podcasts in their entirety in one sitting).  My favorites from Tim recently include:  Joshua Skenes (a world class chef; trust me!), Seth Godin (marketing and business legend) and BJ Miller's interview (I now have a widened perspective on living and the often avoided conversation about end-of-life; I love this podcast with BJ).

What podcasts are you listening to?  Hit me up with an email or comment below.  
