Emotional Intelligence Tool - The Feelings Wheel

Hey there, 2021.  I know this year - like all years - will have it's ups and downs.  I'm thinking, this Emotion or Feelings Wheel will help me and others stay in a somewhat rational mindset.  You know what we say in coaching, "Name it to tame it."  Name the emotion to tame it, so it does not over-run you.

There are a few, free versions of the Feelings Wheel online.  The one above is from Calm (and includes credit to the originator, Dr. Gloria Wilcox).  You can download the one above for free in color or black + white (which could be fun to color in yourself).  A lovely coach and colleague, Amy from Ovation Coaching, originally introduced the Feelings Wheel to me.  Thanks, Amy!

AND, for all of you picking your word for 2021, maybe one of the words off the wheel could be your pick.

With curiosity and joy (I picked those two from the wheel!),
