Freshening Up Things Around Here

Hello there! It's been a bit since we've connected here, yes?

I'm spring cleaning and tidying up right now.

Jen's Desk

I've got plant clippings propagating. My new calendar arrived, and yes, I use a paper calendar because sometimes I need a break from screens and technology.  I'm surrounded by color and artwork. Thanks, Coach Susan for the Laugh sign by artist, Britto. It brings me joy.

My website is up-to-date including....

  • Updated social media links at the bottom of each page
  • Updated services because I want to bring more coaching to your organization.  Yes, your organization!
  • I've posted links to my podcast, The Jen Den, and other podcasts I've guested on.
  • Are we connected on LinkedIn?  If not, let's get connected there, too!
Spring is a time of blossoming and growth. There is so much blossoming in me right now that my most recent coaching growthwork for myself was to make time to celebrate all that has already bloomed.  Here I am with family and friends celebrating the end of the semester.  

Celebrating the end of the semester

What are you celebrating? What's blossoming in you?

It's lovely to see you...
