Loud Mouths for a Cause

Doesn't this look like a lovely group?

Lovely and LOUD.  

A couple of Sundays ago, a few of our friends met to cheer on the Half Full Triathlon athletes to benefit the Ulman Cancer Fund for Young Adults.  There seems to be decent support for kids and adults going through cancer treatment, but not as much attention - in my opinion - is paid to young adults.  The Ulman Fund changes that - thankfully.

Our motley crew decided to provide encouragement for the cyclists as they pedaled up a pretty sweet hill at mile marker 18 and 40.   I would say the bulk of the cyclists enjoyed our antics and interesting outfits.

Plus, our dance moves.......

Our signage and cross-dressing....

Our technical help and graduation cheers....Yes, that is me in the cap and gown.  I would announce to riders that they "graduated" the big hill. Slightly cheesy, I know.

Of course, Puppy Jedi loves a good cause and cracked out his best tutu for the event.  Our friend, J, was a sight to see in his fairy wings and shirtless attire.....

See what I mean?  Don't those fairy wings and shirtlessness make you want to pedal faster uphill?  I love the sound of this red horn.  One neighbor disagreed....

There were lots of high fives.....

Plenty of signs.....

Happy young cheerers undismayed by the rain.....

And incredible stories like this dad and his son with special needs......

Even Lance Armstrong came to support the Ulman Fund.  And yes, I know that it is rude to point.  I was saying, "You got this, Lance."  Just in case he didn't think he did.  Wink, wink.

Our crew agreed the morning was a complete and utter blast.  The riders were screaming, "We love you guys" and looking for us on their second lap.  Seeing Mr. UpCyclist in my 20-year old, hippie dress made me giggle.  AND we supported a super worthwhile event and cause.

I'd do it again in a heartbeat.  Next year, we need more recruits!

Double the loud mouths,


PS - For photos from another cycling event Mr. U, Lil O and I supported, see here.

PSS - Big thanks to Upcyclist friend and blog reader, Krissan, for photographing the morning.