{Upcycled} Juice Pouch Wallets - A Tutorial

Because we all need a break from work......

Here's an easy weekend craft to give yourself a break from studying or if you are a teacher, grading papers. Mr. UpCyclist and I both carry a juice pouch wallet and get compliments all the time on how fun & unique they are.

You need:

  • Two clean juice pouches (like Honest Kids, Capri Sun, etc.)
  • Goo-Be-Gone (explained below)
  • Velcro (see photo below)
  • Sewing machine
  • Scissors

Step #1:  Get all the kids in your neighborhood or in your classroom to drink juice from a pouch.

Step #2:  Using scissors, cut a small slit on the bottom of each pouch, so you can easily wash out the inside of the pouches.

Step #3:  Give the pouches a bath.  Ahhh....the life of an {upcycled} pouch.

Step #4:  Let the pouches dry overnight.  The next day, I like to place a small paper towel inside the bottom slit to collect any excess water.  That's a Martha Stewart tip, by the way.  She does that in her vases, reportedly.  Now, for the Goo-Be-Gone: Sometimes the glue used to adhere the straw to the outside of the pouch leaves a sticky residue.  The Goo-Be-Gone gets rid of that residue from the outside of the pouch lickety-split. I found my small bottle of Goo-Be-Gone at the Dollar Store.  Home Depot has Goo-Be-Gone, too.  

Step #5:  You are about to start sewing.  You are going to line-up two pouches like I have below.  One pouch should overlap the other pouch about 2 inches.

Step #6:  You will then sew two zig-zag lines across the two juice pouches while they are nice and aligned with each other.  Two zig-zag lines is adequate to hold the pouches together.

Step #7:  Now, begin folding your pouch into a wallet.  Notice how I rounded my bottom corners.  That way, the bottom corners aren't sharp.

Step #8:  Sew a straight stitch up one side of the pouch and sew another straight stitch up the other side.  It is very pouch-like now.

Here's a close-up of the rounded corners all sewn......Notice I use a straight-stitch for the sides - not a zig-zag stitch.

Step #9:  Time to round the corners of the top flap.  Then, sew a straight stitch around the edge of the top flap to keep all the layers of the juice pouch together.

Here's a close-up of the top flap....

This is the Velcro I like to use.  I'm all about a Sticky Back in the little square shape.  I have found this Velcro at Joann Fabrics & Crafts, Home Depot (or was that Lowe's?) and Walmart.

Step #10:  Take the soft side of the Velcro and adhere it to the main pouch.

Step #11:  Now, line-up the rough side of Velcro and adhere it to the flap.  The directions say to let the Velcro adhere overnight before using.  I generally follow this advice for maximum adherence.

Voila!  Upcycled juice pouch wallets!  Cute, no?  They make a great gift.  A fun gift card holder.  And of course, an uber-extraordinary wallet.

All the best, Upcyclist.  Happy craftucation!
