Favorite Apps {for Tech Tuesday}

I'm certain, like me, you have your favorite apps.  If so, would you mind sharing them in the comments section below?  In fact, I will pay it forward and trade with you.

Here are my current favs....

  • Wunderlist - I originally blogged about Wunderlist here.  It helps me stay on top of my to-do lists.  It remains a favorite app of mine.
  • Coach's Eye - This app is new to me, but I am using it with my weekend students to give them feedback about their presentations and teaching style.  It was originally marketed to coaches, but I think it has great promise in the classroom.  And Tech Smith (makers of Jing) gifted the app to me as they are a new cycling team sponsor.  Yay!
  • Pages - This is the Facebook app that lets you manage any business/organization pages you administer.  It makes keeping up with Upcycled Education's Facebook page super easy.
  • Google Drive - I am fast becoming a Google lover - I know, I'm a little behind.  This app lets me see all my documents that are within my Google Doc account and modify them from my iPhone.  Google Drive makes me feel productive.
  • Instagram - I haven't really marketed Upcycled Education's Instagram account, but if you want a little "more" of Upcycled Ed, become a follower.  I like to get my micro-blog on with Instagram and share behind the scenes photos and activities.
Those are my current favorite apps.  What are yours?  I'm listening.....

