His Stealth Antelope Move {from my moving car}

Photo by Yoga Mom Sylvie

See this face?  How can I be mad at this face?  I mean really.  When you pull an antelope move from a moving car what do you expect?  Cheers?  Applause?  I mean, Jedi's leap out of the car window while the car was slowly moving today was flawless.  Executed with perfection.  No broken bones or injuries.  Can I really be mad? 

Of course I can be.  Mad, upset, disappointed, pissed, saddened, the whole nine yards - maybe ten.

However, thankfully, I already had a phone appointment scheduled with life coach, Sue, this morning.  You bet this was the first "issue" we discussed.  And the only issue.  

Here are my conclusions after my coaching session:
  1. I am way too hard on myself.  Sue reminded me that perfect passed away in the fall.  ....I seem to forgot her passing....
  2. Jedi is lovely, but our family has dropped the ball on his training since last summer.  
  3. No excuses, our family is signing up for a training class with Jedi.  Like now.
  4. Dog training classes don't have to be boring.  I am exploring other training opportunities like a nosework or agility class for Jedi and our family.
  5. I am not alone in this. I have Mr. UpCyclist, Lil O and a ton of other dog parents to consult.
  6. Perhaps, Jedi is preparing me for when Olive takes a leap of faith - maybe as a teen?  Oh my.
  7. Sue is amazing.  Really, she is.  She asked me what Jedi might have thought about the window leap.  Really?  What does Jedi think? 
I think Jedi LOVED that leap.  I think he's been dreaming of that leap for months - every since he hung out the window for the first time - is my guess.  I think Jedi is BRILLIANT for choosing a non-busy street & time of the day when the car was going at just the right speed.  I think Jedi has been PRACTICING his standing leap for weeks in the forest and wanted to see if the same skills apply to moving vehicles.  I think Jedi, like his family, appreciates ACTIVITY and ADVENTURE.  I think Jedi wanted to try something NEW and CHALLENGE himself and deal with the repercussions later.  I think Jedi is more like a HUMAN than I could have ever imagined.


He's still going to a training class.

What a morning,


PS - Did you ever have a dog leap out of your moving car?  Tell me about it below.  I need strength in numbers.