Call me a Prius

Photo from here.  PicMonkeyed by Jen

Yesterday morning, I had a coaching session with Sue.  I know I haven't blogged about all of our coaching sessions lately like I did in the beginning; I've been consistently enjoying the sessions since the first time I blogged about them here in September.  I've realized I need many days/weeks to process what Sue and I discuss and also, some of the topics are personal and not blog-shareable.

Sue was asking me about the new stamp shop and some of the other happenings in my life.  I told her I feel like a Prius lately.  The more I create and do, the more energy I have.  Just like the more you drive a Prius, the more the battery recharges.  My battery gets recharged every time I do something new and challenging like launch a cycling team, open a stamp shop, design business cards, understand Photoshop Elements 5% more, try a new strategy in class, or parent Lil O in a new way.

Oddly, all of those things are enticing me to take another look at how I parent.  I pride myself on being a thoughtful, nurturing parent.  Who knew my recent successes (the cycling team, the stamp shop, etc.) could help me improve my parenting?

I must confess, without Sue, I do not think I would have connected the dots.  That woman is worth her weight in gold.

Vroom, vroom,

Jen, the Prius

PS - Sue is offering an amazing coaching package right now for 12 sessions, plus the discovery session - you pay half now, and half later.  I am soooo hooked on coaching that I am signing up for the full package.  Yay!   If you want to just 'try' coaching, do take up Sue on her sample session.  It literally doesn't cost you a thing, there is absolutely no pressure to sign up for more, and Sue is just such a good person to wrap-out me.  #lifechanging

You can email Sue here.

Beep, beep :)