Hello, There....

Oh, hello.  Long time no see.

It's official.  This has been the longest blogcation I've taken in three years.   Evidently, I needed it and didn't even know it.

I'm feeling slightly refueled and oh. so. busy.  Here's the skinny.
  • I've started back-to-school.  I don't know how it keeps happening, but I have an amazing group of college students, again, this semester.  I'm totally pinching myself.
  • Hiking, hiking and trail running.  That's the story of my free time with Jedi.  For most of September, I was fighting off a running injury - plantar fasciitis.  PF does not feel good, but check out my new, bright blue running shoes above.  Those do feel good, make that GREAT.
  • You know that online course I was developing over the summer?  Well, it's officially created and it passed its Quality Matters review with flying colors.  The reviewer said he couldn't find anything to critique - in a negative way - and said I'm "clearly an online course developer."  Clearly?!  I love that.
  • Lil O is back-to-school, too.  She didn't go back to school until post-Labor Day.  I want to blog about the parent-teacher conference I attended this week at her school.  Any parent-teacher conference that opens up with talking about interpersonal skills is my kind of parent-teacher conference AND my type of school.  Again, I love well-done Montessori Education - just in case you miss me talking about it.
  • See that funky laser light pyramid above?  Oh, yes, I was totally grooving at an Earth, Wind and Fire concert in DC.  The concert was on a school night and the next day, I felt sluggish and worn-out.  Gone are the days where I could go out on a school night and feel useful.
  • Mr. UpCyclist, my sweet hubs, is busy doing two things - riding his bike (as evidenced by the Team Upcycled Education photo above) and cranking out all kinds of crazy engineering homework.  I keep laughing as he keeps telling me how he is the oldest student in his graduate class. Ha!  I won't mention hard numbers, but Mr. U is five years my junior, which might make me a grandmother in his grad class.
  • True fact:  Working at a college means I get to sport my cap and gown more than an ordinary citizen.  I actually have nothing else to say about that observation.
  • I seem to be spending more time in cities like DC and Baltimore (see elevator shot above).  My favorite activity, by far, are the life coaching classes I'm taking.  Talk about transformative.  Next week, I take the second coaching class (second out of five) and I am fairly certain both classes will contribute single handedly to how I move forward in my life - personally and professionally.
And on that note, I say, hello!  Welcome back!  I've missed you and I've missed this special space.

