In Four Years

In order for this idea to fly, I have now planted the seed with the people who need to say yes in four years:

  • Mr. UpCyclist
  • Lil O
  • My department chair
  • My director
  • My dean
If you are looking for me in 2017, I will be taking a leave of absence for one year.  Mr. UpCyclist will be graduated from his doctoral program.  Lil O will be graduating from her awesome school.  And my family and I - Mr. U, Lil O, Jedi and my excited self - will be piling into a trailer (maybe an RV) and traveling North America for a year homeschooling (or is that trailer schooling?).  We will be enjoying life, seeing the sights, being a family, and living on the road.

I can barely contain myself with excitement, but I have plenty to keep me busy for the next four years and much money to be saved.

Here's to big dreams!


PS - See those pins above?  Aren't they divine?  I found them in Breckenridge this summer and knew Lil O and I needed them.