Ya'll, when did Lil O get so big? I'm wondering if she needs a new blog name. Med O?
Actually, I'm more wondering how all this time has passed by.....
Gosh, I love this kid,
PS - One day, Lil O signed something "Lilo." I said, "Whose Lilo?" She responded, "Lil O!" Ha! Lilo = Lil O when you smush them together. Clever gal.
PSS - The photo above was taken in Breckenridge. There are all these cool old buildings from the early 1900s when Breck was a bustling mining town. This one is right on Main Street, right on the sidewalk, people walking by it all day. I don't like to walk by it, though. I like to dream about what Breck must have been like back then and take photos. You can see another cool building in Breck here and a very Lil, tiny O.