Coffee Dates

There are some things I am good at and some things, I'm not.  Being a great friend and making the time for my friends is one of my goals for early 2014 and something I really, really, really want to improve.

My super power, I've discovered, is connection.  So, without these amazing friends in my life, how will I honor it?

Thus, I'm on a coffee date tour.  Actually, it doesn't have to just be coffee - lunch, hiking, crafting - those are all good activities to rally around and spend time with my friends. So far, I've....

  • Had coffee with Jennifer S.
  • Had coffee via Skype with Susan from Crafterhours
  • Had coffee with the Starbucks queen, Cathy
  • Had lunch with my coaching friends in person
  • Had a crafting day with the Higgins Family
  • Had a Facetime lunch with Jenn in California
  • Had tea with Jesse, the statue, one impromptu afternoon
  • Had coffee with Mr. UpCyclist and Randy one impromptu morning
  • Had coffee via Facetime with lifetime BFF, Cindy
My goal is ten coffee dates.  I'm up to nine with the two impromptu ones.  I have four more on the books - Carey, Shannon, Erin, and Courtney.  I've only been stood up once.  Ha!  She is soooo embarrassed - I won't mention any names.  And, I have a few more thoughts about who I've been neglecting.  Actually, the list is pretty long.  

Then, there's this question:  Why didn't I start this sooner?  These people - these friends - totally fuel my soul and I hope I do the same for them.

