Parenting Class @ Greenberries

As you know from yesterday's post, one of my early 2014 goals is to teach a parenting class that infuses coaching and teaching strategies.  Though my college has a fabulous Parenting Center, I wanted to collaborate with a group or organization in my own community (which is in a different county than where I work).  I've noticed I work in one area and live in another area and often times, I don't feel like I belong to either community.

This collaboration with Greenberries, a really progressive parenting/maternity store in my area, solves that. Greenberries aligns with my parenting philosophy.  They offer classes and products related to hypnobirthing, breast feeding, baby wearing, cloth diapering, and home-schooling done well. They are well-known and respected in my community.  They kindly welcomed me to teach a class there when I explained my purpose and desire.

If you are in the area, Tuesday, February 25th at 7pm, come join me at Greenberries for a parenting class on Mindset: Shift Yours to Shift Others (description and RSVP at this event page).  I'd love to widen your parenting repertoire, experience Greenberries in person and make more connections past this lovely blog.  

Come!  You're invited.


PS - Greenberries is so cool, they even asked if I would want to guest blog for them.  Yes, please! You can see that post on giving feedback to kids here.  I'm giddy about this new community collaboration.