Doily Garland {for Heart Week}

heart doily garland

Surprise.  Another garland.  Oh, and with hearts.  Double surprise.  Actually, let's make that a heart garland with a science fair project underneath it.  I'm learning so much about how/why hair grows thanks to Lil O.  Did you know that caveman were hairier because they needed the extra warmth and the hairiness made them look larger to other animals & prey?

Now, the supply list for the heart garland....heart doilies and string.  Woot!  Again, uber-easy, which is not why I pick my crafts lately, but it seems I only have a few minutes here and there to make 'em.  I picked up the doilies at our local, Giant - it's a grocery store in case you don't know the chain.

To make the garland, weave the string in and out of the doilies.  I found using some tape at the end of the string helps give it some pointedness - like a needle.

I would have taken a photo of the entire garland, but our kitchen is a mess right now and that photo would have busted the illusion I am tidy.

I am tidy.  Just not all of the time.  Remember Perfect passed away over a year ago.

