Treat Yourself to a Coaching Class

CTI Coupon Code for Fundamentals

I think you remember the story of how/why I started taking coaching classes, right?  If not, here is the Reader's Digest version.  I had adored Sue's coaching skills for well over a year.  I kept saying to Sue, I just want your skills.  You are such a good listener, communicator, question asker....  Sue said, Go take the coaching classes.

What?  I could take the coaching classes even though I didn't want to be a coach (that part has since changed).

Yes!  I sure could.  Anyone can take CTI's coaching classes.  All you have to do is sign up - no prerequisites required.  And so I did.  My life was changed.  And now, I have taken four of the five classes they offer and LOVE them, which you already knew.  The first class (called, Fundamentals) is super affordable (compared to the other classes CTI offers).  But, every. single. class. is worth its weight in gold.  Trust me.

If you would like to try out the first class, Fundamentals, I have a coupon for $200 off.  That means the class will be $500 instead of $700 - whew.  Just mention this code CONNECT2014 when you register.  And then be ready for some of the highest quality instruction you will see in your life time.

Yep, it's that good.
