Shinguard Rash - The Cure

I am going to say this without exaggeration.  I've been wanting to write a blog post about shinguard rash for over a year.  I know, I's a strange topic for me to blog about.  This topic, however, is near and dear to my heart because of these legs below.

Shinguard rash

Y'all know I am mom to Miss Olive who we used to call Lil O on this blog.  Then, she grew up.  Miss O is now in high school and is three inches taller than me!  Next week, she gets her learners permit to drive.

For at least four years, Miss O dealt from extreme shinguard rash from wearing field hockey shinguards.  We tried every type of shinguard, liner, cream, powder, you name it under the sun and nothing - I repeat, nothing! - helped her shins not be all red and rashy.  

....By the way...I asked Miss O if I could post a photo of the actual rash and she declined.  I told her it was a public-service-message-blog post.  She still declined.  

Then, we found a solution.

If I was religious I would thank some deity.  But, in this case, I am thankful to a sales person we met in Delft, Netherlands at a lovely field hockey shop there (photos below).  You see, the Dutch have mastered the game of field hockey.  Most of the best field hockey players in the world are Dutch.  AND, because of the popularity of field hockey, there are so many different field hockey brands and products there.

Jumbo Hockey Rijswijk Delft
Jumbo Hockey Rijswijk Delft Netherlands
Jumbo Hockey Rijswijk Delft Netherlands

At this shop above, we checked out the liner and shinguard section, but nothing seemed too, too different from what Miss O had already tried in the States.  When we asked the sales woman if she had any recommendations for shinguard rash, she replied, "I get shinguard rash, too.  I only wear Stanno liners." 

Stanno liners?  What are those?  

Since the shop didn't sell Stannos, she directed us to purchase the Stanno liners online (as they are not sold in the States either). We had the liners shipping to our hotel in Delft.

...Cue ethereal music...and I'm serious.

These Stanno liners (with antibacterial technology) changed Miss O's life/legs.  To date, 18 months later, Miss O has not had shinguard rash once since wearing Stannos under her shinguards.  NONE.  How crazy is that!  The Stanno liners fixed her shinguard rash in under a week and have kept her from getting shinguard rash again.

Since Stanno does not mail directly to the States, we ended up buying more Stanno liners from a company out of the UK (link here) who was kind enough to ship more Stannos to the USA. We wanted enough Stanno liners for Miss O to last an entire week of field hockey (without doing laundry).

AND, here's some fun news!  I have two extra pairs that I would love to share with you.  Yes, love!  I want to give them away to two different people who also have tried every cure under the sun for shinguard rash and nothing has worked. I want you to find out if Stannos will fix your shinguard rash.  Field hockey players, soccer players, cricket players or any athletes in the USA with shinguard rash,  reach out to me.  I will send you a pair of Stannos to keep and try.  I just have two pairs (and only want to send by mail domestically), so I'll send them to the first two athletes that contact me.  Normally, I would direct you to leave me a comment below, but lately, my comments have been all spam, so I've turned off comments for a while.  You will have to be creative and find me.

Oh, and if you haven't seen Miss O in a while, here she is....not so Lil O anymore (photo cred: Mark22photos)
