Why we are closing our business - Hello Strategies

As some of you know, Jackie and I are closing our business, Hello Strategies, at the end of 2020.  Why, you ask?  Let me explain....

Hello Strategies image

Five years ago, when we started our business, I (we) had a desire to make products we didn't think existed at the level that we wanted them to and share the products with others.  Jackie and I are both educators (and train teachers for a living), so we wanted to serve the people we care deeply about - current and future teachers.  We also are both trained coaches, so our products reflect our deep love of coaching, too.

Now, fast forward five years. We've sold hundreds of decks of our question/coaching/leadership cards.  We've spread joy and surprise by selling almost 2,000 You are Awesome wooden nickels. Our ebook has been downloaded close to 1,000 times (maybe more...).  What we set out to do - create products, share with others and live our core values deeply - done, done, and done.

What you focus on grows (J. Kelm quote).  Neither Jackie nor I want to prioritize Hello Strategies in this new age + stage of our lives.   It's time to thank her for her service and let 'er go.

In efforts to let her go, everything in our Etsy storefront is 50% with free shipping.  We have enjoyed serving you and others and now, help us find forever homes for the last of our You are Awesome nickels, decks of cards and our teaching strategies ebook.

December 31st at midnight, doors close....for good.

It's been a fun, creative ride. Thank you for letting us serve you!
