The Wheel

Happy Wednesday!  Are you on Spring Break still?  Right now, those of you not on Spring Break - like me - are envious.

No, make that jealous.

Yep, I feel jealous.  I deserve another Spring Break.  (Yes, I already had one).

To keep my posts less-text and more visual this week, I have a download for you.  Why not get your students reflecting on what they've learned in class?  Remember these deluxe reflective tools I shared with you?  How about these paper Twitter debriefs

You would make John Dewey and Jean Piaget proud if you nestled reflection in your lessons.  Apparently, Confucius, too:  "Study without reflection is a waste of time, reflection without study is dangerous."

Click on the above image and download this favorite reflective tool ready-to-go.  When you get back from Spring Break, all you will have to do is make copies.

Sorry trees,
