Parting Words

It is Friday, the 13th.  Fitting and a touch creepy.

I always think of the horror movie, Friday the 13th, on days like today.  The only thing I personally admire about those movies is the element of surprise.

Ready for a surprise?

...keep reading.

Today is officially the last day of blogging for me.  How do I know?  Remember this post, where I committed myself to blogging for 15 weeks?  I'm actually five days past due.  I'm like a carton of milk that has expired.  Or Lactaid for more lactose-free, readers.

In celebration of our accomplishment, yes, I just included you, I thought I would share some parting words and updates related to our sweet blog, Upcycled Education.

  • We've had a handful of celebrity sightings on Upcycled Education.  The Graphics Fairy herself and Martin from the Icon Finder left comments on the blog.  Carol from Wolfram Alpha emailed to wittily say thank you for blogging about the coolness of Wolfram Alpha.  For my fellow craftucators, we landed on the Mod Podge Rocks tweet - thank you, Amy!
  • Remember I was getting shredded?  Well, let's just say there is a touch more work to be done to prepare for summer bathing suit weather and road bike season.
  • Did you read this post here about t-charts and t-shirts?  I've been dreaming about designing Upcycled Education t-shirts and bike jerseys. We might need hoodies, too. Any pre-orders?
  • (My birthday tee from P and little O; The Fat Cyclist blog cracks me up.)
  • I've re-examined my hatred of food in the classroom and my pessimistic classroom party philosophy.  If, and only if, educators are inclusionary with food (meaning:  no alienating students with food allergies, intolerances, celiac disease, etc.) AND educators aim to heighten students' awareness with regard to food quality, then I am OK with food in the classroom.  Otherwise, I stand by my mantra:  Keep-food-at-home.
  • Dedications:  With my daytime college students, I consistently dedicated my day and lessons to someone.  However, little O and I did not follow through on our joint daily dedications; we were playing too much in the morning and eating breakfast and getting ready for school.  Something's got to give, right?
  • "Glow and Grows" from this post is by far everyone's favorite feedback tool.  I concur.  Just saying the words, "glows and grows," brings me delight.  One of my career-changing-students who teaches fourth grade, used the Glows and Grows tool for parent-teacher conferences.  The tool was well received.
  • The Emotional Bank Account concept hit home with my parent-blog-readers.  I received numerous emails related to this helpful metaphor from Stephen Covey.  Have you made any emotional deposits today?
  • No, I never received my wish list from Crayola.  Maybe they are still packing my boxes as I type.
  • You know how I adore Montessori Education.  You remember this post, right?  Look what I found for you?  Scholarships to become a certified Montessori teacher!  Yes, you can thank me later.....maybe we could do a virtual latte together.

OK, ready for the surprise? 

I cannot stop blogging.  I just can't. I love this experience way too much and I still have more to say about education and life.  I have programs - yes, programs - I want to launch in the fall.  Fundraising I need to begin.  Mini-grants to award.  My mind is racing.

So, let's do this.  Meet me back here - on the blog - June 15th.  That will give me a full month to talk myself out of continuing and give me some R & R time, as well.  I can work on other projects like my new craft - metal stamped jewelry - and continue parenting little O my way.  I might throw in a couple of trips to freshen things up; new scenery and new sights inspire me.  Maybe I'll post some random photos just to prove I'm doing something.

Fabulous blog reader, thank you incredibly much for sticking with me on this Upcycled Education journey.  If you are still in school or teaching, enjoy the final weeks of your semester.

I will see you June 15th right here.  We can share that virtual latte then.

My absolute, absolute best,