Back-to-School: Do These Now!

Not that I'm trying to be pushy, but really.  Do. These. Now.  They are all appropriate for back-to-school.  They are all really easy to execute.

Trust me.

ROCK Rules - You need classroom rules after all.  You might as well make them cool and to-the-point.  Thanks again, Kim!

Textbook Quotes - Students love this activity.  Plus, this is one of the most sought after posts on Upcycled Education.  Who knew textbooks could be so sexy?

Textbook Gems - Speaking of textbooks, why not crack out your Mod Podge and make some textbook gems, yes?

SSLANT - Raise your hand if your students could hone their communication skills.  See, you need this one.

Captain, Crew, and Cargo - I use this metaphor with my students.  It works if you want participation and volunteerism.

Go get 'em and Happy Back-to-School,
