Mod Podge Heaven

Mod Podge is a cycling team sponsor for Upcycled Education.  Can you believe what they sent?  Each rider received a phat care package of product - a tee shirt, dimensional Mod Podge, Podgeable Papers, Extreme Glitter Pod Modge, Mod Podge Sampler....I could go on!

Mr. UpCyclist and team mascot, Lil O, both have been generous with me this summer and shared their Mod Podge goodies.

Yay!  Oh, and Lil O said it best the other day.  Mod Podge is a crafter's best friend.

Love that kid and Mod Podge,


PS - If you don't already read Amy's blog, Mod Podge Rocks, you really should take a peek.  She posts super-creative Podge-based projects daily.