Yes to Lil O's Yes Day!

You might remember from last summer, our family celebrates Yes Days.  If you are unfamiliar with the concept, check out my original post here.  Lil O is always uber-eager for her Yes Day.  Here's how it went down this year.....

Lil O's Yes Day started with cinnamon rolls - her request, of course.

Straight to the dog park for Puppy Jedi and Lil O, we went.   I think Lil O had just as much fun at the dog park as sweet Jedi.  That day, the park had its fair share of little dogs who all seemed to gravitate to Lil O.

On the way back home from the dog park, Lil O requested a trout stop.  Breckenridge has all sorts of lakes, rivers, and ponds.  This particular one, right in town, has the largest trout (because you can feed them from a candy machine; the machine has some sort of kibble in it for fish).

Kim at the Fresh Soap Company invited Lil O and I to work at her store that day. Lil O was sooooo excited to work and be around Kim and her soaps that afternoon.

We helped Kim package soaps and tie on raffia.  Seriously, how cute are these cupcake soaps below we packaged?  Lil O left that day with an appreciation for work (Yahoo!) and a tote bag of soaps.  Thanks, Kim!

On our way to the new art supply store in town, we stopped to admire the flowers.  Breckenridge - the entire town - does such an incredible job with their flowers. #breckenridgeisamazing

We visited the crazy hat store.....

We picked up two yummy desserts from the French bakery in town.....

Lil O is such a reasonable gal.  This was the only tangible-non-food item she asked for all day. A craft!

Here is the finished craft.  I really appreciate the updated line of Melissa and Doug products lately, do you?

Because Lil O wanted to stay up super late that night, she was 100% agreeable to a Yes Day nap.  Seriously? I really thought it was my Yes Day at this point.

Onto dinner.....Just like last summer's Yes Day, Lil O chose her favorite meal - Udon noodles with chicken minus the vegetables.  She ate. every. single. bite.

My sweet diva (don't you love the towel and Sprite drinking?!) ended her Yes Day with a French bakery delectable and a late night viewing of Disney's new Teen Beach Movie.   

Such a great day! Saying yes to everything Lil O wanted was totally easy and really so much fun.

Love that kid,


PS - One of my summer goals was to have a Yes Day for me, Jedi and Mr. U.  However, I have to say, this summer has been incredible.  I feel like everyday is a Yes Day.