Yay, Happy Holidays!

It hasn't stopped snowing in Breckenridge, Colorado today.  We skied this morning and then, took off to run errands in town.  Plus, Jedi needed a stop at the dog park as evidenced here.  Being a dog in Breck is truly the life.  Our tree is decorated for the holidays; I am totally in love with the fabric garland I made.  We decided to wrap it around the tree.  Next year, I will make another to wrap the tree even more.  Like the "I need more cow bell" phrase.  "I need more garland, please!"

Santa is due here tonight.  We are leaving him our favorite ski bars - chocolate revel bars.  You can find the recipe here.  They are a family favorite for skiing as they are chocolatey and energy-packed. We have reservations at one of the tastiest restaurants in town.  I am already craving their ramen noodles.  Yummmmmmy.

I will be taking a few days off from blogging to enjoy the holidays with my family.  Two things....

1.  Thank you so much for reading Upcycled Education.  The internet is so big and having us connected this way makes it feel more small and endearing.

2.  Have a great holiday - whatever you celebrate or not!  2014 is coming.  I wonder what treasures it will hold for you and yours. 

My absolute best,
