
Ready for a toot? 

Each week new tutorials will be posted.  Please check back as often as you like.  If you have a special request or an idea for a post, please leave a comment below a post or email me at jen at upcyclededucation.com.

Tech Tuesday

Bonus Wxdnxsdays (and other days of the week....where you always get a little xtra!)
T-shirts and T-charts:  Long live them both!
Assets:  how many do your students have?
Paint swatch activities
Dedicate your work
Graphics Fairy
Giving Feedback
DIY Artwork
Motivational spa treatments
Teaching Abroad
Twitter Exit Ticket
(Deluxe) Reflection Tools
Race to Nowhere - student perspective
The Wheel
Digital Footprints
Swotting at Education
Dear Crayola
Mod Podge for Education
The "Other" Jen - Experiential Tools
Best of Show
Drop Caps - How to
Finland Phenomenon (documentary trailer)
SSLANT (communication strategy)
First Weeks of School
First Day of School
Greeting Students
Entrepreneurial Students
Summer Reading List
Caring Classrooms
Trash or Treasure
Free Business Cards
Conference, anyone?
11.1.11 One Student Day
Guerrilla Educating - A follow-up to One Student Day
Play or lack thereof
Inference with Dr. G - What's in your purse?
Post-its in Mind
Duck Pond Activity
Label jars, not people - Rosa's Law